World Missions

The Oregon Ministry Network reaffirms the historic understanding of mission as planting the church among non-Christian populations, directly or indirectly, through cross-cultural missionaries or by means of mission strategic partnerships and projects so that the church is planted where Christ is not known.

Driving Convictions

There are four convictions that guide our efforts. We are to fulfill God's mission by reaching, planting, training and serving.

We believe that lost people matter to God. We are therefore dedicated to proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ to the spiritually lost by deploying missionaries to the unreached wherever they are found in our world. (Rom 9:17; Ps 67:2)

We believe the best and most compelling expression of Jesus is the local church planted in its community. We will therefore make it our priority to plant the church where the church doesn’t exist. (Eph 1:22-23; Col 1:24-29)

We believe that trained church leaders are the hope of the world. We are therefore committed to serving the global church by deploying equippers who will also function as catalysts for the mission of God. (Eph 4:11-13; 2 Tim 2:2)

We believe people should experience God’s love and compassion through tangible means provided by the local church. We will therefore support ministry expressions channeled through local churches that touch people in Jesus’ name. (Ps 112:9; Gal 2:10; Jam 1:27)


Outcome 1

Within 10 years a full fifty percent of the OMN mission resources— personnel and finances—will be directly engaged with unreached people.

Outcome 2

Within 10 years one hundred percent of the churches that comprise the OMN will be partnering in Missio Dei through their financial support of our career missionaries, as well as through direct participation in strategic initiatives and short-term projects.

Outcome 3

Within 10 years the OMN will be partnering with majority world churches in at least four regions of the world in collaborative efforts that reflect God’s heart, honor his Word, and express the interdependence he desires among his people.

Missions Team

We're here to serve you and your ministry.

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303