Light for the Lost (LFTL) serves to “empower the church to provide God’s Word for every person on the planet.” Providing a variety of resources such as audio, visual, and printed materials, LFTL has one guiding principle: all Light For The Lost assistance must be to provide resources directly related to evangelism.

LFTL is dedicated to sharing the message of Christ globally and is resourced by congregations from all walks of life. Through the generous giving of churches, individuals, and businesses, LFTL is assisting missionaries and missions projects around the world with evangelistic resources to share the message of hope.

John 4:35 says, “Look at the fields…they are ripe for harvest.” LFTL provided resources are multiplying and empowering the efforts of missionaries in communicating the story of Jesus to a ‘ripe field of people.’ Are you ready to make an eternal impact?

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Celebrate the Light presents stories about how Light for the Lost has helped introduce people worldwide to The Light, Jesus Christ.

Local churches are encouraged to host a Celebrate the Light service, show one or more of the videos available from our archive, and take up an offering for LFTL. We have videos from Rwanda, Romania, India, Burma, the U.S., and more. A Celebrate the Light service helps connect a congregation with the mission of LFTL: providing evangelism resources for missionaries everywhere.

What better way to celebrate Jesus, The Light of the World, than by giving so others can hear about Him!

Close to half the world’s population has never received an adequate presentation of the salvation message. With your help in faithful giving, LFTL is able to provide print media and a variety of multimedia resources to spread hope to the millions of people – both literate and illiterate – who need Jesus. Just think, people all over the world can know about Christ for the first time through evangelism and multimedia resources – because you give.

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Light for the Lost

Light for the Lost provides evangelistic resources for missionaries and missionary partnerships through five platforms: print, audio, video, internet, and technologies.

2025 Tour

Light for the Lost Tour is May 5-16! We love this annual event for our men to gather, pray, and raise funds for missions. We have many locations, dates, and some incredible speakers, so don’t miss out!

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By getting involved in Light for the Lost, you can be part of providing a variety of resources, including audio, visual and printed materials, for our missionary efforts around the world. Your sacrificial giving assists LFTL in its continuing effort to spread the Message of hope to people all over the world who need Jesus.
