
The following information describes the requirements and obligations of a credentialed minister, as well as the process for obtaining credentials. Applications for credentials with the Oregon Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God are welcomed.

Basic Qualifications

  • Testimony of having experienced the new birth (John 3:5).
  • Testimony to having received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4).
  • Clear evidence of a divine call to ministry, evidenced by a personal conviction, confirmed by the work of the Spirit and the testimony of fellow ministers.
  • A blameless Christian life and good report of those who are without (Titus 1:7, I Timothy 3:7).
  • A thorough understanding of and agreement with the doctrinal position of the Assemblies of God as contained in the Statement of Fundamental Truths.
  • A satisfactory working knowledge of the principles, practices and purposes of the Fellowship through a study of the General Council and OMN Bylaws.
  • An active loyalty to the constitutional agreements, a cooperative spirit and a readiness to seek and receive the counsel of those in leadership.

The same spiritual qualifications shall be expected of the spouse of those seeking credentials. The Christian lifestyle of the spouse shall be compatible with the standards of the ministry.

A candidate should be certain that motives are proper in applying for the recognition of the Assemblies of God. A ministry anointed by the Holy Spirit will prove to be the best credential one can have.

The Assemblies of God Fellowship is founded on the principles of voluntary cooperation. Every applicant ought to feel that the organization of the Assemblies of God is the fellowship into which God has called them. They are to be one with these people and adhere to the same tenants of faith, principles, purposes and practices as those they now join. They must be committed to the fellowship, willing to not only share in its privilege and blessing, but willing to cooperate with its ministries. They must also be guided by, and when necessary, accept the discipline and direction of its leadership.

Making Application for Credentials

Contact our Network office and speak with the Credential Specialist to start the credentialing process or complete our Credential Pre-Application.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 503-393-4411

Mail: Oregon Ministry Network
5745 Inland Shores Way N
Salem, Oregon 97305.

The following are our credential processing fees.
Certified Minister $150.00
License $150.00
Ordained $150.00

This includes a mandatory background check fee of $50.00. The General Council requires this on all credential applicants.

Credential Classifications & Qualifications

Certified Minister

Efficient helpers in gospel work who devote a part of their time to Christian service and, whenever possible, remain under the supervision of a pastor, may be recognized as Certified Ministers.


Clear evidence of a divine call – a practical experience in preaching, together with an evident purpose to devote one’s time to preach the gospel.


Qualifications for Ordination are outlined in the New Testament Scriptures (I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:7-9).

In addition, ordination candidates:

  • Must be twenty-three (23) years of age or older.
  • Must be a member of the Oregon Ministry Network for not less than one (1) year prior to ordination.
  • Must possess a License to Preach credential at least two (2) consecutive years and be engaged in active work as pastor, evangelist or some other recognized full-time ministry for at least two (2) full consecutive years immediately prior to submitting an application.
  • If applicant is licensed in another district, approval to proceed with ordination must be received from former district.

Ministers from Other Organizations

If a minister from another denomination desires to affiliate with the Assemblies of God, the Credential Committees of both the General Council and the Oregon Ministry Network are under no obligation to accept the applicant’s previous ministerial status. Each applicant shall be judged on his or her own merits as to the level of credentials to be granted.

Such applicants shall be required to:

  • Conform to Assemblies of God criteria for recognition.
  • Secure an interview with their local Presbyter.
  • Complete an application for ministerial recognition.
  • Submit a recommendation from the body with which they were formerly affiliated. If such is not available, letters of recommendation should be sought from three trustworthy ordained ministers who are familiar with the applicant’s ministry.
  • Applicant shall take the credential examination.
  • Applicant shall meet with the Credential Committee.
  • Applicant shall be recommended by the Oregon Ministry Network Credential Committee for the approval of the General Council Credential Committee.
  • Ministers who receive Assemblies of God recognition will relinquish their ministerial credentials with any other organization.

Educational Requirements

All applicants are required to meet the following minimum study requirements either through a recognized and approved Bible school, college, institute or correspondence course. Transcripts are required. Berean courses may be either college or institute level. General Council basic educational requirements are:

Certified Minister Certificate

  • BIB 114 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
  • BIB 121 Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible
  • BIB 212 New Testament Survey
  • BIB 214 Old Testament Survey
  • MIN 171 A Spirit-Empowered Church: An Acts 2 Ministry Model
  • MIN 181 Relationships and Ethics in Ministry
  • MIN 191 Beginning Ministerial Internship
  • THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine
  • THE 142 Assemblies of God History, Missions, and Governance
  • THE 211 Introduction to Theology


  • BIB 115 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers
  • BIB 117 Prison Epistles
  • BIB 215 Romans: Justification by Faith
  • MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism
  • MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics
  • MIN 251 Effective Leadership
  • MIN 261 Introduction to Assemblies of God Missions
  • MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders
  • MIN 291 Intermediate Ministerial Internship
  • THE 245 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come


  • BIB 313 The Corinthian Correspondence
  • BIB 318 The Pentateuch
  • BIB 322 The Poetic Books
  • MIN 325 Preaching in the Contemporary World
  • MIN 327 Church Administration, Finance, and Law
  • MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry
  • MIN 391 Advanced Ministerial Internship
  • THE 311 Prayer and Worship

Visit for class descriptions and to enroll in courses. Due to the various changes made in educational requirements and Berean courses, the Oregon Ministry Network generally accepts an applicant’s classes under the program in which they begin. Therefore, if an applicant begins his/her coursework prior to these changes, he/she may complete their coursework according to the previous requirements under which they began.

Financial Responsibilities

To General Council

The work of the General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in home and foreign fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the national offices. Ministers should recognize their obligation to contribute monthly from their tithes, or as an offering, the following amounts:

Ordained $25 monthly or $300 per year
Licensed $20 monthly or $240 per year
Certified $10 monthly or $120 per year
Senior-Retired Free-will basis

Compliance with these requirements will be a prerequisite for renewal of credentials of all active ministers. If their contributions are in arrears, the credentialed minister shall be given an opportunity to meet their obligations when they renew.

To the Network Office

Each credentialed minister affiliated with the Oregon Ministry Network shall be expected to contribute a tithe (ten percent) as dues on all ministry-related income, including that portion designated as housing allowance, but not the value of a parsonage provided in place of an allowance.

Those ministers who hold credentials but are not involved in any ministry for which they receive remuneration, shall be required to contribute $100 per month as dues. 

Exceptions: Appointed world missionaries’ financial support shall conform to the Assemblies of God World Missions Bylaws. General Council appointed U.S. missionaries, Chi Alpha personnel, and chaplains’ financial support shall conform to the corresponding standard of their governing bodies. Senior retired ministers and approved disabled ministers are exempt.

Note: Where both husband and wife are credentialed ministers, the second member in the family shall contribute a minimum of $25 per month, except where both receive ministry-related income, in which case each will contribute a tithe (ten percent).

Annual Credential Renewal

Credentials from the General Council are to be renewed annually. Renewal forms are mailed in November each year and are to be completed and returned to the network office no later than December 31.

Ministers may renew their credentials online. Please visit:

If a minister has not received their credential renewal by December 1 or needs additional help, please contact the Network Office. The Oregon Ministry Network and General Council Constitution and Bylaws state charges are as follows:

Annual Renewal fee for all Ministers:  $25

Renewal fees if received after January 1:  $25 to General Council & $25 to the OMN

Reinstatement Fee (for renewals after January 15): $50 to General Council & $100 to the OMN (A background check fee of $50.00 may also apply.)

When a Minister Transfers

When a minister moves from the Oregon Ministry Network they shall request their credentials to be transferred to the Credential Secretary. They will be issued a transfer unless: they are in arrears with ministerial tithes; there are definite charges against them or if there are other just causes for delay, as stated in General Council and Oregon Network Bylaws. Ministers transferring in to the Oregon Ministry Network from another district shall request a transfer from their former district within 60 days of taking up residence in the Oregon Ministry Network.


Applicants for reinstatement must complete an Application for Reinstatement provided by the Credential Secretary. If the applicant has been lapsed for two (2) years, they shall be required to furnish three (3) references. If the applicant has been lapsed for seven (7) years or more, they are required to take the written examination according to the status of credential for which they are applying.

Application fee is $200.00. Any monies outstanding at the time they lapsed or resigned would also be due.

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303