Debbie Lamm Bray • January 26, 2025

Still Waters Retreats

In our neighborhood, the new year begins with exciting celebrations featuring explosions and fireworks and sometimes loud gatherings.  But after the sun rises, the decibels in life tend to remain at that same level – loud, distracting, and taking over the space that I need to be filled with the peace of God.  To counteract the noise, I have to take action.  One of my go-to actions is to spend a day in personal retreat.

What is a personal retreat? What do you do on retreat?  These questions are often the response when I tell a friend I took a day away.

I started taking personal retreats back when I was a youth pastor.  My tank was hovering around “empty” and I could feel it, so I took one of my vacation days and drove to the beach with my Bible and journal.  By the end of the day, I was convinced of the value of getting away with God and have repeated the experience many times.

So, back to the first question: What is a personal retreat?

It is time away, for just you and God.  It is unstructured in many ways, although some planning and preparation are needed.  It is time to be disconnected from devices and unavailable to other people so you can be totally available to Holy Spirit.  It is time to let your heart cry out in ways you don’t know it needs to.  It is time to listen and notice the work of the Spirit in you, rather than through you.

It is time to let Jesus refill your tank.

Ok, but … what do you do on a personal retreat?

Well, instead of you reading about it, what if you let me show you?

Through a new ministry called Leaders Who Last (, you can register to join me on a guided personal retreat.  Called a Still Waters Retreat©, it is a one-day event, 10 am to 3 pm, to allow driving time for those coming from a distance.  Registration is capped at 12 people so that everyone can participate.  Most of the retreat dates are reserved for ministers and spouses only and I focus on making it a safe space.

Here’s what you can expect: I prepare you with some instructions prior to the day of your retreat.  When you arrive at the retreat, I coach you on the why and how of silence and solitude.  Then, to shift our hearts and minds, I lead the group in a Bible reading experience as we let Holy Spirit to speak to us through His Word.  Following that, everyone disburses to spend a specified length of time alone.  When we return, we reflect on the experience and I coach on how to move forward.  We conclude by meditating together on another passage of scripture and praying. 

To learn more about Still Waters Retreats (SWR) and register, click here.  You will also find information on scheduling a private SWR for your leadership team or for those in your church who are ready to experience God’s presence in a new way.  Or, explore the website for more opportunities to connect with other ministers and spouses virtually each month to read scripture and pray or to discuss important books. 

In our crazy, loud, distracting world, ministry leaders need to operate from a full tank and in the peace of God.  Longevity in ministry depends on it.  Longevity with Jesus depends on it.  Let a Still Waters Retreat introduce you to one way to quiet the noise and connect deeply to the Living Water.
