Mark Robinson • January 26, 2025

Why Do We Need New Churches?

I recently attended the Church Planting Directors Summit, an annual event where 41 of 66 Districts/Networks were represented. Attendees learned that across the USA, there are many places where the rate of churches closing or merging, has outpaced the opening of new churches, and the net result is fewer churches. In 2019, we had 190 churches in the OMN, and now we have 178. We opened 11 new churches in the five years between 2019 and 2023.

One leader made the statement: “(1) America, spiritually speaking, is lost; (2) the Church has not kept pace with the population increase; and (3) time is running out.” This statement wasn’t made at the CPD Summit, it was made by Robert L. Brandt in 1961, who, at the time, was serving as the Assemblies of God Home Missions Secretary. Dr. David Strahan, who spoke at Summit, responded to Brandt’s statement: “With the increase in population and the decline in churches today, networks need to take the initiative to invest in multiple strategies that will help us grow the kingdom of God by planting and developing existing churches and properties.”

Other important insights shared at Summit include:
• 26% of all A/G churches have been chartered since 2008.
• 2024: 300 new A/G churches planted.
• 6% of churches are responsible for 56% of new A/G churches in the last five years.
• $25M has been invested in new churches through the Church Multiplication Network. These new churches have now paid forward $47M to additional new churches and missions.

I will conclude with Peter Wagner’s statement from his book, Church Planting for a Greater Harvest: “The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches.”

Why do we need new churches? Because Oregon needs Jesus. May the Lord help us to plant a healthy church in every community.
