Are you thinking about church planting? One of the first questions potential planters and parent church pastors ask is, ‘How long does it take to plant a church?’ The Church Multiplication Network has created a concise 18-step process. These steps are not a quick checklist but reflect best practices for planting. These steps could take you 10-12 months or just 5-9 months, depending on your circumstances or context. Even if the process takes 18 to 24 months and your launch is a success, that is what matters most.
Learn more about the steps at the Church Multiplication Network website.
We have created a OMN CHURCH X TOP TEN LIST. The purpose of this list is to promote focused prayer and to inform strategic planning for the future. Please note the cities are NOT listed in a particular order of priority and nor intended to limit where new churches will be established in the future.
- Oregon City
- Bend
- Beaverton
- St. Helens
- Medford
- Portland (Pearl District, St. Johns, Sellwood-Moreland, Hazelwood, Parkrose, Mt. Tabor)
- Ashland
- HIllsboro
- Corvallis
- Eugene (NE, SW)
Places to watch (listed alphabetically): Cedar Hills / Cedar Mill, Deschutes River Woods (SW Bend), Gresham, Lebanon, McMinnville, Redmond (South), Wilsonville, and Woodburn
If you are interested in learning more about church planting in Oregon, either as a church planter or becoming a multisite or parent church, please contact the OMN Church Planting Director, Mark Robinson.