Mark Robinson • December 2, 2024

Are You Thinking About Planting a Church?

Are you thinking about church planting? One of the first questions potential planters and parent church pastors ask is, ‘How long does it take to plant a church?’ The Church Multiplication Network has created a concise 18-step process. These steps are not a quick checklist but reflect best practices for planting. These steps could take you 10-12 months or just 5-9 months, depending on your circumstances or context. Even if the process takes 18 to 24 months and your launch is a success, that is what matters most.

Learn more about the steps at the Church Multiplication Network website.

We have created a OMN CHURCH X TOP TEN LIST. The purpose of this list is to promote focused prayer and to inform strategic planning for the future. Please note the cities are NOT listed in a particular order of priority and nor intended to limit where new churches will be established in the future.

  1. Oregon City
  2. Bend
  3. Beaverton
  4. St. Helens
  5. Medford
  6. Portland (Pearl District, St. Johns, Sellwood-Moreland, Hazelwood, Parkrose, Mt. Tabor)
  7. Ashland
  8. HIllsboro
  9. Corvallis
  10. Eugene (NE, SW)

Places to watch (listed alphabetically): Cedar Hills / Cedar Mill, Deschutes River Woods (SW Bend), Gresham, Lebanon, McMinnville, Redmond (South), Wilsonville, and Woodburn

If you are interested in learning more about church planting in Oregon, either as a church planter or becoming a multisite or parent church, please contact the OMN Church Planting Director, Mark Robinson.
