Mike Field • October 28, 2024

Secondary Trauma

This past year, I’ve been to the ER twice, possibly from what some call secondary trauma. While the doctors aren’t sure exactly of the cause yet, Kathy and I are also looking at other than physical reasons for the visits.

We’ve been reminded about the physiological connection; the stress manifests somewhere when we live with full schedules, care for others, hear their trauma, share their crisis, or worry. It can show up as frequent headaches, stomach issues, heart trouble, tension in our shoulders, and other physical areas. It may cause irritability and curtness in our conversations or more stress with other unrelated conversations. And it increases when we have stress, crisis, and trauma of our own.

I thought I was giving each ministry conversation and personal need to God; I thought I was practicing benevolent detachment.  But there I was, on a forced break with a team of clinicians hovering over me.

I know there is a delicate balance in the physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual realms. When one of these is out of balance, the others strive to counterbalance and create a false balance.

My hope is that you see the signs well before you land in an ER or worse. Are there emotional outbursts? Does your spouse, family, or coworker recoil when you walk into a room? How are you sleeping? What indulgences are you taking (social media, games, pornography, drugs, alcohol, shopping, etc.)?

As I pondered my circumstances, two books came to mind that touched on the spiritual connection of who we are and what we do.

Embracing the Collision by Debbie Lamm Bray and Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton.

If you haven’t read these, I strongly encourage you to get a hold of a copy. Also to find a trusted friend with whom you can engage in an open and honest conversation with the questions raised.

Could I offer some questions and conversation starters?

  • What do you do when you struggle with pain, illness, depression, anxiety, or fear?
  • What spiritual activity or practices does your personality type need to thrive?
  • Does what you do or your accomplishments dictate your personal worth?
  • Is burnout avoidable? Or, How well (and to whom) can you say ‘no’?
  • How do you set boundaries, especially with the people with whom you minister?
  • How is the spiritual realm manifested in your physical world?

A final word as a reminder of the power of God’s word, praying in the Spirit, and praying the Word of God. A friend prompted me to read God’s 9-1-1 (Psalm 91:1 [-16]) read it all, with passion, out loud, claim the spiritual promises, and rest in the provisions of God. It really works.
