Mark Robinson • September 25, 2024

Church Planting in Oregon

In early 2024, there was a leadership shift in church planting in the OMN. First, Pastor Lee and the Presbytery invited me (Mark) to serve in the role of Church Planting Director (CPD). I excitedly agreed to this opportunity, as church multiplication has been a significant part of my personal call to ministry. As the CPD, I serve alongside Pastor Jeff Kirkland, who is the Church Multiplication Network (CMN) Representative to our Network. We are both are multi-site pastors and understands the challenges and opportunities of planting in our state. In my role, I provide strategic leadership to advance church planting in Oregon. As the CMN Rep, Jeff connects church planters and parent churches with training and financial resources. 

In the coming months, you will be hearing about goals and strategies for planting new churches in Oregon. I am convinced God has great plans! If you are interested in learning more about becoming a parent church, a church planter, or a multi-site church, contact either Jeff or myself to get the conversation started. 

Mark Robinson, OMN Church Planting Director –

Jeff Kirkland, CMN Representative –
