Debbie Lamm Bray • August 28, 2024

Still Waters for the Soul

“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Jesus spoke those words in Matthew 11:28-29 not only to those physically present, but also to us – including ministry leaders.  Leading God’s people brings great joys, and includes many burdens.  When those burdens become heavy, we can grow weary.  “I see your tiredness,” Jesus was saying.  “Let me give you rest.” 

Instead of receiving the rest that Jesus brings, we sometimes live in rest-lessness.  We do not dare to stop and breathe because breaking our pace of constant activity will cost the eternally important work we do for Him.

But Jesus never said, “Come and work yourself to death for me.”  Yes, Jesus said that following Him will cost us our lives, and Paul said we are to be living sacrifices.  But the call to die to self is so we can live in, through, and for Him who came to give us abundant life.  That abundant life includes Jesus’s rest for our souls.

Regularly resting in Jesus can be a challenge.  But as undershepherds of a flock that belongs to Jesus the Good Shepherd, we need to follow not only when He says to build a new building or preach from a particular passage, but also when He makes us “lie down in green pastures” and leads us “beside still waters” (Psalm 23). 

We need to let Him restore our tired, weary, isolated, worn out, ready-to-give-up souls.  Only then will we last in ministry – and, even more importantly, in following Jesus. 

How can we partake of His rest for our souls?

Lead pastors, ministry staff, and ministers between assignments from two states attended the inaugural Still Waters Retreat in June at Mt. Angel Abbey near Silverton, Oregon.  One pastor wrote after the retreat, “Stillness in the presence of God is very difficult for me.  This retreat provided an opportunity to practice that and find a peace I have never had.”
Mt. Angel Abbey offered many places for solitude during the June 28 Still Waters Retreat.  All retreats are held in beautiful settings with plenty of space.

Consider joining a Still Waters Retreat, gatherings that help ministers and spouses disconnect from the demands of ministry and become refreshed in God’s love.  The retreats meet in the Salem area and run from 10 am to 3 pm to make participation possible for those traveling from a distance. 

We begin the day with some coaching on personal retreats, then guidance on ways to use solitude time.  Following that I give a brief overview of the retreat grounds, highlighting areas where participants are welcome to go that day. 

Next, we engage in a scripture meditation together.  We reflect on what God speaks to us, then pray before disbursing to practice solitude.  After solitude, we return to our meeting room for another shared scripture meditation.  We then reflect on what God has said through that scripture and throughout the day, and what we need to do with His words to us.  I give some final suggestions on how to incorporate solitude and silence into our lives.  We conclude with a time of prayer together. 

For a list of retreat locations and dates and to register, visit this website.  The cost is only $50 and the value is immense.  Other opportunities to let the Lord refresh your soul and to grow as a person and leader are also listed on the site.

Regardless of whether you cannot join a retreat, find time to practice solitude and silence with God.  Start with a few minutes and build from there.  Remember, practice is not perfection.  It’s just practice.  Breathe, rest, listen.  See how God meets you.

Jesus leads us beside still waters.  Let’s follow.
