Brian Eno • May 19, 2020

One Oregon for STL & BGMC

Life is made up of moments. Some moments have the potential to change the world. We just concluded one such big moment for Next Generation Ministries called One Oregon. Following our fall conventions we desired to go above and beyond for BGMC and Own the Night for Speed the Light; to give more together than ever before. Our plan was to receive STL and BGMC offerings all around the state for 30 days following these ministry events. We are still calculating all the results, but it sure seems to have been one big moment for missions. I’m looking forward to reporting the final outcome to you all soon.
Pastor and leaders, at this time I want to express my gratitude for your leadership and vision for God’s mission. Because of your leadership we are instilling a heart for missions into the next generation.
This year our Network Children’s Ministries set a goal to give $125,000 to BGMC, and I believe we will go above and beyond that amount. This past summer, the kids of Oregon partnered with Jon and Cyndi Davis to help provide a Spirit-filled teaching tool to the church in Asia. Due to the generosity of our Oregon kids and our network churches, many who had never heard the gospel will now have that great privilege.
This year, our Network Youth Ministries set a goal to give $100,000 to STL, and we are well on our way to reaching this goal. Oregon students have already been able to fund the following OMN missionary projects through their STL giving this year: • Steve & Julie Kramer (van) Chi Alpha – Eugene • Ken Huff (15 passenger van), Cambodia • Karen & Terry Hillyer (car), Chi Alpha – Eugene • Bill & Diane Jackson (car), Spain
I’m hoping for another tremendous end-of-year response for STL and BGMC. I’m praying for $30,000 to come in before the end of the year for STL, so we can replace Vic & Kathy Varis’ 2004 vehicle with a next term minivan. Vic & Kathy will use this new STL vehicle to serve the students of Portland State University. Will you pray with me?
Thanks for your faithfulness and sacrifice. We desperately need every youth and children’s ministry, church, and lead pastor to do their best for missions. Once again our goal is 100% participation. If you are not yet participating in STL or BGMC, please begin this year and help us to get every church participating.
As One Oregon, we can meet all our missionary needs.
Note: Year-end STL or BGMC offerings Please check your records before the end of the year to make sure you have sent in all your STL and BGMC offerings. Please DO NOT mail offerings to the Network office and do not designate to One Oregon but to STL or BGMC, and send all funds directly to the national office (STL or BGMC – 1445 Boonville Ave – Springfield, MO 65802) no later than December 31, 2016, to receive 2016 giving credit. The National Office recommends using UPS or FED-EX on all offerings mailed after December 15th.
