A million for a million.
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The state of Oregon is drifting away from Jesus. 36% of adults report no spiritual affiliation, the second-highest of any state in the nation. This number climbs to 42% in Portland. Oregon’s children, teens, and young adults are being raised in an increasingly secular culture where they are increasingly less likely to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.

God has given Chi Alpha in Oregon a vision to establish a long-term, gospel-centered missional community on every college campus in the state. To see this vision realized, we plan to establish ministry centers near seven strategic campuses. These ministry centers will be a home away from home for students - places where Christian community, personal discipleship, and friendship-style evangelism can thrive.

There are approximately one million people in Oregon under the age of 21. For each of these young people, we are asking you to help us raise one dollar to invest in these ministry centers.

The money raised will put Chi Alpha in the financial position to purchase a new ministry center in Corvallis and purchase additional ministry centers as we pioneer more campuses throughout Oregon. Together, we will reach this generation and generations to come.

From Move-in to Mission

Chi Alpha is the Assemblies of God’s outreach to the college campus. When teenagers move to college and begin their adult life, they enter a unique season ripe with both spiritual danger and spiritual opportunity. Christian students may be tempted to abandon their faith. But in community, they can be freshly empowered by the Spirit and mobilized for mission.

On move-in day, Chi Alpha welcomes students with the hospitality of the gospel and grafts them into a missional Christian community on campus. In this context, we help lost college students encounter Jesus, equip Christian students for ministry, and send out graduates who are eager to follow Jesus’ call in Oregon communities and around the world.

We believe that by reaching the college campus, we can raise up a new generation in Oregon that will transform the university, the marketplace, the local church, and the world.

New Foundations

The Oregon Ministry Network is passionate about reaching young people in Oregon. This campaign is an opportunity to partner with Chi Alpha for mutual benefit and increased ministry effectiveness. Just as Chi Alpha ministries benefit from partnership with the local church, local churches benefit from Chi Alpha missionaries who specialize in reaching a population with unique needs.

Working together, we will more holistically reach and disciple young adults, send out Chi Alpha pioneering teams in partnership with Network churches to expand our outreach to college campuses, and raise up missionaries who will proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth.

The time is now to build a new foundation in Oregon culture. We can’t wait to reach the next generation when each year, each day, this state drifts further and further from Christ. We must reach Gen Now and equip them to fulfill their purpose in God’s global plan.

Join us in accelerating Christ’s mission for this generation. Join us as we Accelerate the Now.

Let's reach Oregon together.

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Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303