July 24, 2024

Enough is Enough

Lee McCloud

Recently, it has been discovered that numerous high-profile spiritual leaders, locally and nationally, have fallen morally, and it feels like a punch to the gut every time. While the media has a field day and churches and ministries try to recover, behind the scenes, there is a wake of broken-hearted victims and family members left to put their lives back together.  Unfortunately, if God continues to use humans, moral failure is a possibility, but just because that explains human nature, in no way does it condone inappropriate activity. And enough is enough!

As leaders in our ministry, we have a crucial role to play in preventing moral failure. Our late friend, Pat Clements, always reminded us, 'We are all only one poor decision away from becoming the village idiot.' This sobering truth should serve as a catalyst for us to take charge of our actions and decisions. We can't afford to leave our fate to chance. It's not just a matter of importance; it's our duty to establish safeguards and accountability measures in our lives to ensure our continued success and integrity.  

One of our presbyters has shared a valuable resource worth your attention. It's a recent blog post by Geoff Surratt titled Immoral Pastors and Path to Destruction. In this blog, Geoff identifies five dangerous attitudes that might lead to moral failure and is a read worth your time.

In addition, while the OMN and the General Council of the Assemblies of God have a tried and proven restoration process for ministers who fall morally, churches and ministries should also have a plan for staff. Geoff Surratt has three other blogs that ministry leaders might find helpful in addressing this topic with staff and putting policies in place before they are needed.

How To Handle A Moral Failure by Geoff Surratt

The OMN exists to Develop Effective Leaders and Build Healthy Churches and Ministries, and one of our strategies is to Enrich Through Resources. 

Disclaimer: God is the only expert on these matters, and while I agree with most of the content of these blogs, it is your responsibility to ask God how you should apply the resources presented. 

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303