May 29, 2024

I didn't really want to talk about it.

Mike Field

From a friend in ministry:

It was credential renewal season, and I stared at the question for far too long. I knew I didn't want to answer the question. It was easier to hide and deny what I was feeling. Now I was faced with telling them what they wanted to hear.

Of course, I understood that answering the question was simply addressing how I chose to cope with an ongoing condition. I got stuck in a cycle of ‘stinking thinking’ and felt like I was the only one who had to deal with this kind of junk.

Apparently, I needed help and didn’t know it. Now I didn’t know where to go for help. I’ve heard people talking about Mental Health Awareness and thought it didn’t apply to me; I was just going through a bad season.

I’d get over it soon enough.

If you’ve been in a similar place, we can help. Pastor Lee calls the OMN CARE team a gracious covering for ministers and their families. Our team cares for the people who minister to others. Our heart is to walk alongside others in ministry as they heal. We are available to listen to anything you want to talk about. We are equipped to offer help and resources when needed.

Imagine talking with a friend about how you felt when the stresses of ministry piled up, struggling with coping mechanisms, or how resentment has crept into your thinking cycle again. 

Part of our strategy is to be a friend first. Most people who experience struggles, trauma, or stress recover better with a friend alongside them. A trusted friend speaks your language, understands your situation, and holds your information and heart close to themselves. 

The second part of our methods is to share from our wealth of experience and training. Some of our team members have specialized training in marriage, family, relationships, and mental health coaching. We can provide a friendly and effective approach to your healing, equipping, and learning for what you are experiencing with a Godly perspective.

The third part of our approach is to offer professional references to advisors specialized in the specific area of your need, including the list from the Minister Family Care department of the Assemblies of God offices.

Our OMN CARE Team intentionally creates relational equity as we minister to and with our fellow OMN ministers and strives to improve our walking alongside others.

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303