May 15, 2024

It’s My Story - and I am desperately sticking with it!

Matt Reigel

When Heather & I applied to be AG missionaries, our application paperwork asked how God called us into missions. Regularly throughout the interview and orientation training, we were asked the same question: How did God call you to missions? It was our calling story, and we would repeat it numerous times during our 20 years in missions. We were called by God, and we would desperately need to stick to that story in the years to come! You have an individualized story, too!

Our journey in missions has not been unique, but it has been interesting. In 20 years, we have moved our entire household 9 times and lived in 17 transitional locations. I have installed two complete kitchens from bare walls with no plumbing or lighting to a full functioning kitchen, and completely removed one of those kitchens when we left that home. These events happened in environments where we were simultaneously learning new cultures and languages, beginning new friendships and learning new church families. We stuck with our story.

Added to the chaotic lifestyle are the the joys of ministry mixed with the conflicts, the disappoints, and the unmet expectations that naturally follow. (Does any of this sound familiar?). I have been told biblical messages won't work because they were "too American". I have been told I was unbiblical due to theological differences. We have been publicly mocked for being Americans. We stuck with our story.

An added layer is that we are of the mindset that missions highlights any difficulties or struggles one has mentally, emotionally, or relationally. Heather and I joke, ever so lightly, that our first three years in missions were the three most difficult years of our married life. Through it all, we stuck with our story.

In fact, it was not our skills, abilities, or personalities that pulled us through, it was our story! My biblical understanding and missional knowledge always came to an end, but our story never changed. Regardless of the difficulty, the only thing that truly saw us through was the fact that we were called by God to be in Germany (or later, Switzerland), called to be in this environment, in this very challenge! If God had called us, He had a reason why were in this situation ... and had plans to see us through!

I did not tell you these stories to inspire sympathy for missionaries, nor to have you invite me to assist with your next remodel project. I want to remind you of your story, your call to ministry. If God has called you to your current location to minister in His name, that means each challenge, regardless if it is mental, emotional, physical, financial or relational, it is God-filtered! He has led you to this moment, even if it is directed, or maybe inflicted, by others. God has plans to continue to mold and shape you into the image of God. The circumstances are simply the tool He is using to shape you.

Take a moment to remember your story. What's your call to ministry? How did God call you to your present ministry? Now take a moment to think of the challenges you currently face. God has you, and each of these situations, in His hands! You are not alone, and He is at work! Be Encouraged! If God has called you, He sees your situation, knows your need and has solutions to that situation already planned! " '... He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil. 1:6) applies to all followers of Christ, even veteran missionaries and seasoned ministers!

Remember your story, and desperately stick with it.

Matt Reigel

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303