April 26, 2023

Accelerate Forward

Bill Wilson

brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly (accelerate)and be honored, just as it was with you

2 Thessalonians 3:1

We recently conducted our 86th Network Summit, a time for the Network family to come together to worship, hear timely messages, and enjoy uplifting fellowship. It was definitely one of our most impacting gatherings we have had.

During our time together, I presented my annual challenge which included six ways we as a Network can Accelerate Forward. Here is a summary of that presentation.

Since its formation in 1937, the Oregon Ministry Network has planted churches, raised up pastors, developed spiritual leaders, and commissioned hundreds of world champions to be used by God to share the Gospel across Oregon and around the world. The results have been miraculous. To God be the glory!

After 36 months of pausing, pivoting, and praying for a new season, I believe the Lord’s word for this moment is ACCELERATE.

The Church In America has been positioned to be a bright light, a beacon of hope and an a conduit of God’s Love and Grace.

Dr. Ed Stetzer

Let's Accelerate in Prayer:
Every revival, every outpouring of the Holy Spirit has come because of earnest prayer and proclamation. This is the history of the Church and the ministry we are each involved in. I am asking every pastor and church to identify special times of personal and corporate prayer in their weekly schedules. We can anticipate signs, wonders, and miracles to take place.

Let's Accelerate in Church Planting:
Jesus said I will build my Church. I believe we all want to be a part of this new church-planting movement. As reported, several new churches have been or are being planted throughout the state. God is blessing and I’m asking every church to either contribute to or participate in the planting of a church in Oregon.

Let's Accelerate in Discipleship:
Oregon was one of the first Networks in the United States to be introduced to the upgraded version of the Bible Engagement Project. This AG discipleship resource is now being made available as a timely tool to help us lead our people into a greater understanding of God’s Word. Look to our website for more information on ways that you can refresh your discipleship efforts in your local church.

Let's Accelerate our efforts to reach this Generation:
We have one opportunity to touch Generation Z and A and now is the time. An ambitious goal has been set over the next 36 months to raise $1 million dollars for 1 million souls. Working with our extraordinary teams in Oregon’s Chi Alpha, we are going to see one of the greatest spiritual revivals in our history with this age group. We will need us all to make this happen.

Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.

Psalm 71:18

Let’s Accelerate in raising up a new generation of Ministers:
With the Network Leadership of GenNow Director Sean Silverii, Youth Alive Leader Tom Bachman, and Missionary Associates Daimian and Brittany Dunn, we are going to expand our efforts to help the scores of students who are being stirred by the Holy Spirit to pursue a life of ministry. I am personally going to give more of my attention to this effort. With your help, we will identify and encourage our students to not only love Jesus but to run after his calling. We want to guide and coach generations to become ministers, pastors, missionaries, and evangelists to their generation.

Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.  Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear.

1 Timothy 1:18-19a

Let's Accelerate our efforts in developing Healthy Pastors:
Coming out of the last few years, many in ministry have felt depleted, discouraged, and in some cases overwhelmed with defeat. This is the value of being a part of this great family called the Oregon Ministry Network. No one needs to feel alone, your family in the OMN is here to help. The OMN offers a number of ways to help, including One on One Coaching, Pastoral Care, the Weekly Winning Word, and numerous events and conferences. I want to make sure each of you feels valued and cared for.

With a population of 4 million and a state that has surrendered to foolish and destructive policies regarding life and liberty, we long to have a healthy pastor and Assemblies of God Church in every urban community and rural county in Oregon.
So I ask you to join me as we continue to ACCELERATE in 2023.

Developing Effective Pastors & Leaders and Building Healthy Churches & Ministries

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303