May 24, 2022

Summit Missions Offering Update

Boyd Powers

The Missions Service at Summit last month included two significant offerings related to our ongoing missions efforts:

1) Summit Missions Offering

This offering is our annual call to fund new global workers' travel and startup costs as they prepare to go to their new place of service. The OMN family showed up and has nearly funded this vital area.

Status: $20,016.31 of $21,000 Goal

2) 2022 Special Project

This year, you are invited to partner with one of our global workers to raise $120,000 to build an outreach center in an unreached part of the world. This project targets a geographical "Zero Zone" with no known believers or churches.

Status: $35,025.02 of $120,000 Goal

Every gift matters. You can still give to either of these projects.

Give now.

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303