Larry Steller

Pastoral Care is now in its seventh year! Delores and I are so very thankful for the support of the Executive Team and Presbytery. And we thank God for our Pastoral Care Team who have always responded when called to do so.
Pastoral Care

Our Mission

The Office of Pastoral Care exists for the help, well-being, and care of our ministers and their families. Our objective is to walk with pastors who may have concerns, not only in their ministry, but in their personal lives as well.

2020 Highlights

Our team has been available to minister to pastors who are discouraged. We have prayed with those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. We have shared life coping skills for pastors experiencing stress. On occasion we have referred pastors to Christian professionals, because mental health is just as important as spiritual health or physical and relational health. As a result, we can say marriages are healed and functioning in God’s call on their lives. Pastors who were contemplating giving up on ministry are successfully leading their congregations. And those who have felt isolated during the pandemic are feeling loved and encouraged.

In the aftermath of the ravaging fires when it seemed all of Oregon was on evacuation orders, our team was able to lead a debriefing for two churches where families in the church lost everything.

Team Members

David & Diane Abercrombie
Darrell & Sharon Arneson
Ted & Joyce Boatsmen
Dale & Sherri Edwards
Doug & Cheri Fairrington
Jon & Dot Hagebusch
Wes & Doris Jepson
Lance & Rachelle Lovlin
Dave & Kimberly Morris
Adrian & Lisa Van Aswegan
Pat Winningham
2020 was not a year of defeat, but truly a year of dreams for our Network. In the midst of what was called a “disastrous year,” we can testify that our all-sufficient God demonstrated His power and faithfulness.