March 1, 2021

7 Tips for the New Multi-site Church

Bill Wilson

When I came to the city of Troas to preach the Good News of Christ, the Lord opened a door of opportunity for me.  

2 Corinthians 2:12 (NLT)

What if I said to you, “Every OMN church now has the opportunity to be a multi-site church!”? Some might pushback, feeling they don’t have the capacity or resources to operate in this manner. But I would like to say to you, the opportunity of being a multi-site church is available for every OMN church today.

One of the outcomes of 2020 was the addition of the online service for our OMN churches. Because of the pandemic restrictions, most of our churches had to venture into livestream services as a norm. It is estimated that more than 95% of our Network churches are now offering both in-person and online weekly services. The results have been surprising, stretching and amazingly successful.

I want to encourage every pastor and church that now broadcasts their services to remember that they are now a multi-site church, in-person and online. This is a major opportunity for us in 2021 and potentially there are far more attending your online service than those attending in-person.

Pastor John Bagorio shared with me that a new couple recently attended a Sunday service at Bayside Chapel in Depoe Bay. When he introduced himself, they quickly responded, “Oh yes, we know who you are Pastor John.  We’ve been attending Bayside online for six months and you have been our pastor.” He had never met them before. These encounters are becoming the norm for many in the Network and will continue across the state.

So, your church is now a multi-site church. Rejoice in this opportunity God is giving you. Hundreds of people are joining you online and now consider you their pastor.


  1. Embrace: View online as an expansion of your current church family.
  2. Adapt: Use words that are inclusive and welcoming for both in-person and online attendees.   
  3. Evaluate: Reconsider service formats, language and length to engage everyone.   
  4. Create: Provide a response method online for giving, follow-up, and connection.
  5. Expand:  Start offering an online option for kids each week. 
  6. Prepare:  Be ready for online attendees to shift to in-person attendees.
  7. Update:  Keep your website current, it is the new front door of your church.

Bonus Tip: Pray! Before your next service begins, pray with the worship team and for everything from the microphone to the livestream platform. Pray that you will be able to connect with both in-person and online attendees and that you will be able to make meaningful connections with first-time guests.

Blessings as you step into this new and exciting season of pastoring a multi-site church.

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303