February 2, 2021

Opportunity To Do Good

Bill Wilson

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, specially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatians 6:10

My friend, Luis Palau recently wrote, “Our country has been through the wringer. We’re still going through it. Yet in the midst, I still have hope. It’s grounded in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Amen!

In the midst of a rough start, 2021 continues to be “The Year of Opportunity” for all of us in the Oregon Ministry Network.  Regardless of the uncertainties thus far, we know for certain that we have HOPE in Jesus Christ.  We should all expect that God will continue to open doors of opportunity to do good.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Dr. Albert Einstein

The reports of what God has done and is doing throughout the Network in these challenging times is both encouraging and inspiring.  We are a people who are not satisfied with just surviving, but rather folks who are filled with faith and looking for opportunity to do good.


  1. A renewed desire to participate in authentic biblical discipleship.
  2. A renewed desire to share in genuine community.
  3. A renewed desire to attend in-person gatherings.
  4. A renewed desire to experience love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
  5. A renewed desire to participate and invest in hope-filled causes.

These trends are opportunities for us to do good.  A spiritual and wise leader will consider ways to respond to these to these desires and ask God for guidance in walking through doors of opportunity to be light and salt. Don’t allow isolation, insecurity or indifference hold you back. Look for the next opportunity to be Jesus in your part of this needy world. 

“When opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to go after it.”

Eddie Kennison– NFL Player

In February 2021, your Network Leadership Team will be touring Oregon for the 2021 Prayer Tour. Please join us for one of the convenient stops in your area.  I would like to meet with you, pray with for you and encourage you as we look for opportunity to do good in 2021.   

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303