December 1, 2020

The Best News of 2020

Bill Wilson

When they had seen Him, they made widely known the word which was told them concerning this Child.

Luke 2:17 MEV

I have had many say to me, they will be glad when 2020 is finally over. I am sure if I were in an in-person service, I could get a loud “witness.” No one will argue that 2020 will be known as one of the most disruptive, demanding, and distressing years in our lifetime. We have all experienced 2020 fatigue, and we all have stories that will mark us for life.   

But just before we close up the year and step into 2021 with great expectation, let me encourage us all in the Oregon Ministry Network family to remember December 2020 is the perfect time to announce again the best news for the year, “…a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ” (Luke 2:11).   

Gary Bowell tells of a of a father putting his four-year-old son to bed. Having finished prayers, stories, and dealing with all the little “stall tactics” his son performed, he kissed his son and turned the light off. Almost immediately his son started crying, "Don't leave me. I'm scared and don't want to stay here alone."  The father tried to encourage the little boy by reminding him that they had just had devotions and God’s presence was with him. To this the little boy said, "I want somebody here with skin on."  

In the midst of a dark moment in our history, remembering that the glorious and grand news of Christ’s birth can turn a bleak year to a bright one for us all.  “…they will call him Immanuel which means, “God with us” (Matthew 1:22).     

This is the best news for 2020.  The message given to the shepherds is our message. It is the good news in a bad news year. This is a perfect month for the Church in Oregon to step up and look for ways to communicate that “…a Savior has been born…”  and to make it “…widely known…”.   

My prayer for the Oregon Ministry Network is that in these final days of 2020, we will remember and proclaim in our communities that Jesus is more than a baby, but a Living Savior who turns darkness into light, hopelessness into hope and takes sinners and transforms them into saints.

  • Without reservation or hesitation, let us rise-up and sing the songs of Christmas.
  • Without reservation or hesitation, let us rise-up and share the love of Christmas. 
  • Without reservation or hesitation, let us rise-up and declare the hope of Christmas. 
  • Without reservation or hesitation, let us rise-up and pray for the healing of Christmas.

When they had seen Him, they made widely known the word which was told them concerning this Child. Luke 2:17 MEV

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303