May 14, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Bill Wilson

Be sure you know the condition of your flock, give careful attention to your herds;

Proverbs 27:23

Thank you for the ongoing efforts you have made in these very challenging times. Please know that your Network Leadership Team has continued to pray for you and are making every effort to provide encouragement and support during this time.

On May 14, 2020, our Governor has announced that 29 of the 36 counties of Oregon are moving into Phase 1 of reopening. Five counties that have not yet received Phase 1 approval: Marion, Polk, Umatilla, Morrow and Jefferson. Three Counties have not applied: Washington, Clackamas, and Multnomah. Phase 1 does allow for gatherings up to 25 with some clear health restrictions.

In light of the Phase 1 announcement, here are the guidelines that the OMN strongly recommends:

  1. Gatherings limited to 25. (This will no doubt be increased in the next 21 days). This may require continued multiple gatherings or drive-in church gatherings.
  2. Maintain the Social Distancing 6 Ft. Rule – No physical greetings.
  3. Continue Sanitation Practices – Hand sanitizing stations – wiping down common areas.
  4. Worship – Singing can be offered without masks when following social distancing.
  5. Request those over 60 or with underlining medical conditions or ill, to not attend.
  6. No food or coffee stations and close restrooms.
  7. Rethink and Reset Child-Care. Include children in the main gathering.
  8. No Choirs should meet or perform.
  9. Small Group Ministry – People should stay with the same group – maintaining social distancing.
  10. Continuing On-Line Ministry to those who are reluctant to come or who are unable to come.
  11. Staying Connected with Communities Leaders who are needing help.

The General Council of the Assemblies of God and Oregon Ministry Network leadership continue to direct all Assemblies of God churches to comply with the current health guidelines given by both federal and state leadership. This not only demonstrates honor of leadership based on Romans 13, but it is also an opportunity to display genuine care for the people who live in our communities as stated in Philippians 2:3-4, Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303