We must pay more careful attention,
therefore, to what we have heard,
so that we do not drift away.For if the message spoken by angels was binding,
and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment,
how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?
This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord,
was confirmed to us by those who heard him.God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles,
and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.
• Avoid drifting from the truth by paying attention to the truth.
• Listen to, learn from and live out the truth.
• Anticipate signs, wonders and miracles when you declare God's Word.
Father, I thank you for the direct warnings given in your Word.
Help me to hear and to heed them.
Help me to continue to stay the course and not drift off course.
Help me to live out the truth in such a way others will desire to follow you.
Today, I ask for wisdom and direction in the use of my time.
I ask that you will work in and through my life.
I ask that you will provide the resources and strength needed.
In The Awesome Name of Jesus! Amen!
5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303