June 21, 2018

Historic Announcement

Bill Wilson

5745 INland Shores Way North Keizer, Oregon
This exciting news comes as a result of the approved and finalized sale of the Bethel Park property in 2017. Since the completed sale, the OMN Presbytery discussed various options that would assist the Network in its future operations. The Presbytery was committed to being wise in stewarding our resources to make sensible decisions. Serious prayer was given to our next steps and consideration was given to a number of possibilities.
This past spring, the property in Keizer, Oregon came on the market. Price, location and size seemed perfect for current and future needs. After careful investigation and consideration, the Presbytery agreed that this would be an excellent future home of the OMN Office. In May, the Presbytery approved a below market offer on the property and the owners accepted.
The building was constructed in 2007 by one of the leading commercial builders in the Salem/Keizer area. It is located on the east shore of Staats Lake, in the heart of Keizer. Masterful plans have been drawn to reconfigure and update the building to best serve the mission and ministry of the OMN. We anticipate that the OMN Network Office will be relocated to the Keizer location by the end of this year. A formal open house is planned during the 2019 Summit in April.
Thank you for your prayers and support in this significant transaction. We have made a bold move and believe this change will position us to great days ahead for the OMN.

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303