Striving together as one for the faith of the gospel. Philippians 1:27 (NIV)
We welcome 2015 with anticipation and expectancy of what God is going to do in and through the Oregon Ministry Network. I am convinced that this will be a year that will take us into a new season of impact and effectiveness. This is the year that a united and focused effort is needed in order for us to successfully fulfill the great commission and the great commandment in our churches and communities.
During the final months of 2014, the Network Leadership took note of the needs being shared with us and drafted a list of Together Efforts‚ for 2015. These efforts include‚
Expanding Our Parent Affiliated Church Oregon Initiative
Increasing Church Revitalization - Coaching and Resourcing
Being More Strategic In Our Church Multiplication Endeavors
Launching A Network Worship-Music Leaders‚ Partnership
Enhancing Our Pastoral Care Initiative and Efforts
Increasing Our Presbytery Enrichment and Leadership Development
Conducting Our TOGETHER TOUR‚ Focusing On Vision & Values
Offer New Deacon-Elder‚ Orientation and Online Training
Enlarge Our Online Resources and Helps For Local Churches
Advance a Bethel Park‚ Repurpose Plan
In addition, there will be attention given to our major gatherings and rallying points throughout the year. I am excited about the new efforts that will be introduced and the new schedules put into place for all of our major events. We are determined to not be distracted, divided or derailed from the cause God has put in our hearts as a Network.
I am thrilled about the possibilities and potential before us. As we walk together, I believe that we will see new churches planted, established churches revitalized, new pastors, missionaries and world changers raised up. Let us arise TOGETHER, and impact this generation as our forefathers dreamed and prayed would happen.
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3 (NIV)
5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303