February 1, 2018

Meet the Team

Kyle Thompson


We have a newly-formed team with some familiar faces and some brand new. We are thankful that God has called this team together, and we are privileged to serve you and the people in your ministry.

Kim McClintock is our new Office Assistant. Kim has served in multiple positions at a missions school in New Zealand. She sees this work as an answer to prayer.

Kiera Witmeyer is our Student Receptionist. Kiera is currently pursuing a degree in ministry leadership.

Aiyanna Donaldson has joined our team in facilities. Aiyanna has vast experience that is benefitting the campus.. She is currently studying ministry leadership.

Kyle Thompson is Admissions Counselor and Marketing Coordinator. Kyle graduated Northwest University Salem Campus in 2014 and senses a call to serve the school.

Dr. Debbie Lamm Bray is the Director of Academic and Student Services. She is committed to facilitating students’ growth in the conviction, courage, and capacity to follow God boldly.

Our Outstanding Faculty:

Dr. Michelle Cox (Keizer) – Psychology

Dr. Bryan Davenport (Vancouver) – Ministry, Bible, Theology

Dr. Steve Emerson (Salem) – Ministry

Bob Frank (Salem) - Business

Stan Houghton (Salem) – Business

Dr. Debbie Lamm Bray – Bible, Theology, Vocation/Calling

Lee McCloud (Salem) – Ministry

Sean Odell (Alsea) – Ministry

Kevin Reich (Salem) – Bible

Gayle Reichelt (Salem) – English

Gabriele Rienas (Beaverton) – Psychology

Dr. Werner Rienas (Beaverton) – Theology, Ministry

Kaylee Roderick (Corvallis) – Math

Jeremy Siebert (Sandy) – Bible

Oregon Ministry Network

5745 Inland Shores Way N
Keizer, OR 97303