June 14, 2017

From Death to Life

Larry Steller

This morning a dear pastor friend of mine wrote on his Facebook page about celebrating a 46th anniversary. He said, “this anniversary is very important to me because without a miracle it will most likely be our last.” Later, he told me over the phone, “I never expected to be walking down this road.”

How can I really know what is going through my friend's mind today? How can I really know the measure of grief he is experiencing as he watches his wife of 46 years slip away because of a brain tumor? How can I comfort him when I have not experienced what he is experiencing?

Transitions- some are sudden curves that throw us out of balance. Some are very slow and subtle. Some transitions are very scary while other transitions are turned into a celebration. No matter what transition in life we face, I find that life is one big transition!

Life is one big transition!

While some transitions throw us off balance, there is one anchor that keeps us standing upright.
“I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38, 39)

When words I use to try to comfort my friend seem to fail me, I can pray Romans 8:38,39. I can pray that the powerful love of God will be his anchor to keep him walking his path with confidence and assurance that he does not walk that path alone. He has the God of the universe walking with him. What an amazing God we serve!

Oregon Ministry Network

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Keizer, OR 97303